The Property Viewer provides users easy access to information about land parcels within the City of Redmond. The Property Viewer can be used to research basic property information, research specific zoning regulations that apply to a property, and search for commercial properties for sale or lease.
The Property Viewer connects to Redmond Zoning Code data, King County Assessor data, Commercial MLS data, and Bing and Google map services.
Information shown on the Property Viewer is derived from public records that are constantly undergoing change and do not replace a site survey. Data and records are not warranted for content or accuracy. The City does not guarantee the positional or thematic accuracy of the GIS data. The GIS data or cartographic digital files are not a legal representation of any of the features that it depicts, and disclaims any assumption of the legal status of which it represents. Any implied warranties, including warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose, shall be expressly excluded.
Contact the webmaster for technical questions or feedback.